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A Year of Conflict Between RUSSIA and UKRAINE: from Bad to Worse

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the successor states' bilateral relations have undergone periods of tensions, and outright hostility. Similarly, Ukraine became an independent nation as well in the same year. Before, it was a part of the Russian empire and later became the Soviet Republic and left all of the Russian imperial legacies. Since its independence, the country has been battling corruption and internal divisions. The conflict started when President Victor Yanukovych rejected an association agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Moscow. In return, Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and backed east Ukraine's separatist rebellion. Soon after that Ukraine and the West accused Russia of deploying troops and sending weapons to the rebellions, but Russia refuted these allegations. However, Russia strongly criticized the US and NATO for aiding Ukraine with weapons and joint military drills. Russia never wanted Ukraine to be a member state of NATO due to security issues and further wants to discontinue all NATO drills near its borders and withdrawal of NATO troops from central and eastern Europe. However, the US and NATO have turned down Russia's demands.

Both the economies faced a major havoc due to this war. The Russian economy faced a recession due to the escalation of Ukraine-Russia and the resulting harsh sanctions adopted by Western countries. Sanctions notably targeted major Russian banks, removing seven of them from SWIFT which is an international communication system. In addition, Russia's central bank maintains some of its reserves in the US dollar, and several countries, including the United States, have frozen these dollar reserves. Also, trade on Russian sovereign debt was prohibited by Western countries, and access to foreign capital was restricted. Selected Russian public officials and oligarchs were targeted by assets freeze and travel restrictions. Because of these measures, the Russian Ruble crashed very fast. There was a situation of high inflation in the country. People weren’t able to use basic payment systems and were unable to withdraw cash from their bank accounts. It had a terrible impact on the common citizens of the country. Recovery of the country's economy is expected to begin in 2024 at best only when external factors do not significantly worsen. Another lost decade for Russia appears to be on the horizon, with a decade of stagnation followed by a decade of regression. The Russian central bank and the government have softened the economic impact from the war against Ukraine and the sanctions that followed it, in part because of their recent adherence to conservative fiscal policies of recent years, such as keeping expenditure on a tight leash and consistently balancing the budget, even at the cost of economic growth.

On the other hand the oppressed country was no less affected. Russia’s invasion has led to terrible human and economic suffering in Ukraine. The conflict had sparked a massive refugee crisis which led Ukrainians to flee their country . All of this contributed towards greater uncertainty in the economy, among businesses, households, and financial markets. During the beginning of war, the war was practically everywhere, either through active ground operations or air strikes. It was a very hard period. Gradually, the Ukrainian people and businesses soon started to improve from the shock of the full-scale war. Some displaced people returned. The Ukrainian economy adjusted to the war. Measures were taken to support Ukraine's armed forces. Despite extremely large land and air operations, the financial system remained robust and operated without any functional restrictions throughout the entire war. A fixed currency rate was implemented, capital outflow was controlled, and various other essential anti-crisis steps were done.

America's position on the Ukraine-Russia crisis is multifaceted and involves diplomatic efforts, economic measures and military support for Ukraine. The Biden administration has been working closely with its European allies to coordinate a united front against Russian aggression towards Ukraine. The United States had used economic measures to put pressure on Russia and gave military support to Ukraine which included providing funding for the development of new military technology and the modernization of existing equipment. The Russian president has perceived the conflict in Ukraine as, at least in part, a proxy conflict with American leadership and NATO and believed that the expansion of NATO is a direct threat to his country's security. Russia continuously warned these two countries against joining NATO. Russia issued a warning that they would respond in kind if NATO deployed military infrastructure in Sweden and Finland . Putin warned that they would raise the same threats to those territories where threats have arisen for them.

One could also see a significant disturbance in the community trade as well as the labour supply. Russia’s irruption of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has caused broad dislocations in global commodity requests. Russia and Ukraine are important directors and exporters of energy and agrarian products, similar to oil , natural gas, wheat, and sludge. The goods of dislocation were felt across the importance of global and U.S. frugality. In just a few weeks, the prices of major commodities in both energy and agricultural markets surged at a pace with few historical precedents. For example, the monthly average price of oil increased 18% from February to March, which was one of the more significant monthly increases on record. The surge in the price of wheat was perhaps even more historically significant. Wheat prices increased 29% in March, which was among the highest price increases over the past century.

The withered supply chain caused life threatening hunger. Together, Russia and Ukraine export nearly a third of the world's wheat and barley, more than 70% of its sunflower oil, and are also big corn suppliers. Russia is the top global fertilizer producer as well. World food prices were already climbing, and the war made things worse, preventing some 20 million tons of Ukrainian grain from being exported. Typically, 90% of wheat and other grain from Ukraine's fields are shipped to world markets by sea but have been held up by Russian blockades of the Black Sea coast. Ukraine has only been able to export 1.5 million to 2 million tons of grain in comparison to 6 million, which was done earlier. With the disruption in the production and export processes, these essential commodities are becoming less and less available. Much of the world’s wheat, corn, and barley remains in Ukraine and Russia. Also a larger portion of the global fertilizer supply remains in Russia and Belarus. Food insecurity was already on the rise before the outbreak of the war, with an estimated 44 million people at the brink of famine due to COVID-19. The Russian- Ukraine war saw continuous humanitarian, economic and environmental fallout. The cost of war is felt not only within Ukraine but around the world as well, where they are in turn compounding other conflicts and emergencies.

The resultant widespread poverty pushed some four million children into poverty across Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Russia accounts for nearly 75% of the total increase in the number of children living in poverty due to the war and cost-of-living crisis across the region, with an additional 2.8 million children now living in households below the poverty line. The bigger picture of this is just beyond the limits, as up to 71 million people from the poorest countries in the world are projected to be facing severe poverty as a result of the war in Ukraine. But one can’t hide the reality that Ukraine has suffered the most, the war in Ukraine has already caused damage to infrastructure, economy, unemployment, and inflation. The loss of life and displacement of Ukrainian people will cause a big rise in poverty. Almost one-third of Ukrainians are under poverty with an additional 62% people are at risk of falling into poverty.

This poverty was interrelated to unemployment caused by the devastated labour market. Which resulted in countless job losses and severe disruptions to employment. The number of individuals who were employed in Ukraine will decline by 15.5% in 2022 compared to 2021 as estimated by ILO. Working conditions have significantly worsened as a result of the war. The impact on these workers' livelihoods and well-being as a result of job losses, pay reductions, and employment disruptions has been severe. Russia also had the effect of war on its labour market but less significant than in Ukraine. The Russian unemployment rate hovered around 4.9% in the first quarter of 2022 which was likely to increase. The increase in unemployment has been partly due to the impact of Western sanctions and falling oil prices, but the war has also contributed to the decline in employment. The industries that were dependent on exports Workers in industries that were dependent on exports have lost jobs and faced wage cuts, which has had a significant impact on their living conditions and well-being.

Russia’s irruption of Ukraine has also created shock swells in global energy requests, leading to price volatility, force dearths, security issues and profit uncertainty. Poorer countries will bear the mass of the negative consequences of the energy extremity. The IEA says high energy costs regard for 90% of the rise in average costs for electricity generation worldwide .Coupled with the impact of the global epidemic, the energy extremity means 70 million people who lately gained access to electricity can no longer go with it. And 100 million people may no longer be suitable to make food with clean energies, returning rather to biomass, the IEA says. Changing trade overflows and force dearths Russia cut gas overflows to the EU by around 80% between May and October 2022, leaving the bloc with a significant space in its energy blend, and a pressing need to find energy druthers from other places. Advanced interest rates coupled with falling inflows in real terms are pushing the world towards a recession, and the number of people falling back into extreme poverty is rising, says the reports. As numerous countries seek to increase the cost of adopting plutocrat to fight affectation, clean energy systems that bear backing could get caught in the profitable fallout. A drive towards renewables-Broken connections between Russia and its energy guests have led to a rapid-fire focus on maintaining energy security. But this isn't yet known, and the negative profitable outlook and short- term policy choices to insure energy for moment’s requirements could decelerate instigation in the drive towards renewables Some changes will be temporary, some will be endless, but the opinions being made moments are reshaping energy sector ever.

The Russian -Ukraine conflict did see a big global ramification, the consequences of the war for the climate, the energy sector, food, and biodiversity featured heavily. These conversations demonstrated that far from surpassing the global environmental docket, the war in Ukraine has created new problems on the energy request and forced a new appraisal of the transition to renewable energy in the months following the irruption, it sounded that climate issues were slipping down the docket, and that the backing of programs to reduce emigrations (primarily in developing countries) would be cut, incompletely as a result of a sharp increase in spending by Western countries on arms. A whole range of countries are planning to expand grain product and the sourcing of raw accoutrements for toxin product, which represents a trouble to ecosystems and biodiversity. Reductions in the inventories of essence from Ukraine, along with partial warrants and limits on inventories from Russia, are transubstantiation global metallurgy. Some of the changes impact the birth of essence needed for global decarbonization and the energy transition, including sword, aluminIum, lithium, nickel, bobby, and rare earth essence. A fall in GDP, drop in Russia’s share in the global frugality, and depopulation could all reduce hothouse gas emigrations in Russia. To a large extent, we will see a reiteration of the 1990s, when Russian emigrations fell by over 30 percent, surpassing the country’s scores under the Kyoto Protocol — due to a steep decline in artificial products following the profitable fallout from the collapse of the Soviet Union. but that can hardly be considered genuine decarbonization.

The war wasn't not easy for India as well. The Indian government believes that the escalation of tension along the Ukraine-Russian border is a matter of deep concern. The Indian government isn't straightaway standing up against Russia's actions because India is dependent on Russia for a lot of things. It is very much evident that India has also suffered terribly from the Russian -Ukraine war. The impact can be classified into 3 categories: Immediate concerns, Medium-Term concerns and long -Term concerns. The immediate and most basic challenge for the Indian government was to ensure the safety of 25000 Indians who were trapped in Ukraine. Although, the Indian government did the evacuation quite sufficiently. The medium-termed concerns are specifically related to the economy and the prices of petrol, as the oil production and the supply chain were severely affected. As almost 13%of the total crude oil was exported by Russia to the rest of the world and fulfilled 85%of India's oil requirements. Hence the oil prices will take a shoot, further leading to inflation, as transportation cost increases the prices across all daily needs that will severely impact the lives of almost all the Indians. The long terms concerns are the most significant ones, at one place India is hugely dependent on Russia for military supplies, with 50%-80% of the equipment of the Indian military of Russian origin. The partnership isn't limited to this rather both countries are jointly developing and researching armed supplies. Hence India needs to maintain good relations with both Russia as well as Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine marks the end of the post-Cold War period of peace. It demonstrates that U.S. power isn't absolute and the trouble of nuclear escalation remains as close and unappeasable as ever. The Russian irruption of Ukraine has become the largest military conventional attack since WW2. If the West wants to hit Russia where it hurts, it must stop buying Russian gas and oil painting. Literal precedent suggests that it's questionable whether the EU will be suitable to maintain its harsher station toward Russian gas. original conversations about diversifying the European gas request started in 2006, and 2014, following Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea. The profitable warrants assessed in 2014 were limited to the oil sector and EU purchases of Russian gas have actually increased since also. Stronger warrants are essential as, at least for now, there are no prospects of the West putting thrills on the ground to counterpoise Russia. These should include Russia’s expatriation from the SWIFT system.



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